( Sold )
~ Tapestry No. 0 by Signe Emdal
~ Lingerie tech
~ Created in 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark
About Inner Diamond ( words by Signe Emdal ):
A tribute to the inner human condition. Your inner diamond.
The Lotus.
This Tapestry is a knitted interpretation of the classic woven tapestry that where highly fashionable for kings and queens in th 16th century. It is my way to build a symbolic image.
The Lingerie Tapestry is made from a construction of yarns that feels like a woven rug with textural structures. It shows patterns on both sides and can be placed in a room to divide it.
Photo from ALVAR magazine, april 2015 issue Styling by Kate Wood
© Images: Lea Nielsen, Kate Wood & Signe Emdal