( Available )
~ Sculpture No. 17 by Signe Emdal
~ Loop Tech
~ Created in February & March 2024, at Artist residency: Klitgården in Skagen (DK)
~ Creational proces supported with funding by Beckett Fonden
~ Part of the Group show: The Thread of Your Thought, at Galerie Maria Wettergren, September 2024. More info, follow this link
About Dreams of Gaia ( words by Signe Emdal ):
Åbner mig
Hver dag
Kigger en ny erkendelse
Frem i lyset
Jeg føler
Dyb omsorg
Dreams of Gaia is a map of epiphanies and transformation. A six week inner journey, spent in the open vast landscape of Skagen, walking and weaving with the changing weather conditions. Every day the landscape supported a journey of letting go of layers, while building new ones.
The great Earth under our feet is available 24/7 for us to connect with. Gaia is our friend and our healer. She wants us to evolve and grow. She wants us to shed old editions and structures, and make space for new seeds to come up. Time to nurture your dreams.
This process is fast forwarded if we connect with Gaia physically. Our human memory cards are much bigger and timelines dissolved, when our physical heart spends time with the land. Gaia will do the cleansing and upgrade work for us. I experience this dynamic relationship as sacred. And I am just a city girl.
Our feelings are the gateway to the source of all life. They are portals that can open doors to other spirit worlds, and some day (in the future), we will understand the massive resource of intelligence that we carry in our emotional bodies. Speaking of data, here it is.
The Space between:
When I give space, information reveals themselves.
Life changing information.
Gaia is the Ancient Greek Goddess of Earth. Mother Earth.
Earth is also a tiny star in the night sky, with a deep burning red core inside.
The emotional body is the doorway to Peace, that everybody is looking for.
© Images: Kristine Funch & Signe Emdal