~ Solo Show at Skagens Kunstmuseer
~ 30.11.19 - 29.12.19
~ Works on show: Series of seven Jacquard lingerie knitted tapestries, dedicated to the danish painter Anna Ancher and her body of work.
~ Tapestries No. 8 - 14
~ Lingerie tech
~ The red tapestry was gifted to the museum by Signe Emdal, and is now a permanent part of Skagen Kunstmuseers Collection.
About Anna´s Roots (text by Skagens Kunstmuseer):
The life and works of the danish painter Anna Ancher ( 1859-1935 ) are the main sources of inspiration for this year's contemporary installation in Brøndum's dining room, the historic nucleus of Skagens Museum. Signe Emdal created a new ambience for the room with her series of seven Jacquard knitted tapestries, made in respect and collaboration with the works of art in this room, created by members of the renowned Skagen colony of artists, including Anna Ancher.
Signe says: “I have chosen to engage in a dialogue with Anna Ancher and her passion for both ornamented textiles and the staging of her paintings. My threads, colours and patterns are combined to create an essence of the knowledge we have concerning Anna Ancher and her close artistic collaborations with her husband Michael Ancher, connecting threads between the past and present”
In the contemporary installation , Signe Emdal interprets the colors and ambiences from the paintings Appraising the day's work 1883 and Living room with the blue curtains 1892, painted jointly by Anna and Michael Ancher. The same is true for selected pieces of furniture and carpets from Anna Ancher's home on Markvej in Skagen, where Anna and Michael Ancher lived with a passion for cultural textiles. A particular ornament from Anna Ancher's winter dress is also introduced into Signe's textile installation, to create a dialogue with architect Thorvald Bindesbøll's ornamentation in Brøndum's dining room.
Director of Skagens Kunstmuseer: Lisette Vind Ebbesen, writes about her experience of the show (in danish):
“Den anden dag, hørte jeg en som stod i rummet, pegede på et af tapestrierne og sagde: ”Det ligner Anna Ancher” og jeg forstår godt hvad hun mente. Man har nemlig en rar følelse af at der er kommet 7 nye mennesker ind i rummet. 7 mennesker, som man aldrig har mødt før, men som man alligevel føler at man kender. Jeg er imponeret og meget fascineret over den personlighed og intensitet der er i tapestrierne, farverne og mønstrene. Det er en meget sanselig oplevelse, som leder ens tanker hen til både billeder, mennesker og rum fra skagensmalernes tid, og således binder fortid og nutid sammen på en meget stærk og fin måde. Og så lige netop i hjertet af vores museum og historie: Brøndums spisesal, som var der hvor skagensmalerne mødtes og hvor Skagens Museum blev stiftet”.
© Images: Skagens Kunstmuseer & Signe Emdal