Signe Emdal receives and interprets phenomena, while producing new enigmatic appearances.
She examines the role of tactile spacial experiences, softness and kindness, employing materiality to engage, not only with the construct of unusual new sculptural mediums, but also with the spaces within and behind it. Signe is proudly an interdisciplinary hybrid of: Visual artist, Master Artisan and Photographer.
~My body of work is my heart
With a background in technical studies of tracking, archiving and building PROCESSES, Signe combines fragments of old structures with futuristic fluid streams,- inside of a creational esoteric proces, similar to when jazz musicians enter their intuitions.
Her endless exploration of NEW STRUCTURES & HYBRIDS ~ technically, poetic & physical ~ is deeply rooted in her personal biography with self-preservation practices, and a life-long journey of embodying her visions for a kind collective future through awareness of The emotional body. Her tactile works aims to offer experiences that empower viewers to guide their journey into higher attention to the emotional body of all life on Earth.
~The emotional body is the doorway to peace everybody is looking for
Signe is spiritually and intellectually nourished by culturally rich places, and she considers her sculptures and tapestries as an open ended thread of connective past and future threads, where movement and changes of scenery has a great impact on her and her site-specific artworks. The work is always a direct manifestation of the present moment. Therefore she travels with her loom and vintage camera, to explore the natural creative influence of entering -a new landscape, a new space, when creating her physical work.
Since 2015, her sculptures and tapestries have been organised in medium series. The medium series represent a timeline of Signes inner journey, with ongoing creations of safe and kind spaces for herself as a sensitive woman,- in which she can feel free to stay 100% true to her nature, her spirit, and the visionary subtle activist she is.
The medium series are:
Lingerie (2015) ~ Esoteric (2016) ~ Touch (2018) ~ Loop (2020) ~ Ecdysis (2024) ~ …
More about the Medium-series via this link
Signe´s Touch sculptures evoke hybrid aesthetics and timeframes, offering widespread associations, such as animal furs, butterflies, ceremonial artifacts and luscious parures. Sensitive and sensual, the wool sculptures vibrate with the slightest air and seem almost alive, like creatures from outer space, or exotic species from the deep-sea, another great inspiration to the artist besides science fiction, art history, navigation systems, poetry, feminism and music. The sculptures are layers of delicate memories, body memory, fragility, invisible skin.
~The loom window is where I store memories
Graduating from the Kolding School of Design in 2007 with an MA in Jacquard knitting techniques, colours and flexible textile structures, Emdal has seventeen years of experience with both hand made and digital textile art, analogue photography, watercolour work and collaborations with Master Artisans.
The analogue photography practice initially began in 2005 when she was gifted a vintage camera from her brother to document her crafts-processes. Since then it evolved into a visual manifestation of the creational temporary spaces that she designs, in which the physical works are made. Furthermore the vintage images are interwoven with her visual memory card, to preserve and explore her senses. Especially colour preservations are essential in order to read the narratives of those spaces or landscapes, and how they have shaped the actual work.
2007-2015 ~ Signes Early work series includes: A World Hug ~ Silent Room Experiences ~ Plant Age